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    Nominee information

    Please, indicate for which award(s) you want to nominate this person:

    Please, explain why you nominate this person for an award and briefly outline which outstanding contribution(s) your nominee has made in the areas as requested in the application form:

    By submitting this form, you consent to the Cyber Security Coalition using your data to handle your request as outlined in our privacy policy.

    Do you know someone worthy of one of the Cyber Security Awards? Please, complete the form below to submit your nomination. If you prefer, you can also download the form in Word format and send it to [email protected].

    Please, explain why you nominate this person for an award and briefly outline which outstanding contribution(s) your nominee has made in the areas as requested in the application form – summarized:

    Cyber Security Personality of the Year

    In at least one of the following domains:

    • Contribution to cyber resilience of the Belgian/ European economy
    • Contribution to awareness of the public
    • Contribution to the skills & diversity gap
    • Contribution to the cyber security ecosystem

    CISO of the Year

    Across all the following domains:

    • Contribution to the organization’s information security performance
    • Accomplishments in current professional role
    • Partnerships with different stakeholders
    • Contribution to foster a security culture

    Cyber Security Researcher of the Year

    In at least one of the following domains:

    • Contribution to industrial valorization activities
    • Contribution to scientific valorization activities
    • Contribution to educational activities

    Young Cyber Security Professional of the Year

    In at least one of the following domains:

    • Cyber security career foundations
    • Accomplishments in current professional role
    • Contribution to the cyber security ecosystem

    Privacy Professional of the Year

    Across all the following domains:

    • Contribution to the organization’s information privacy performance
    • Accomplishments in current professional role
    • Partnership with different stakeholders
    • Contribution to foster a privacy culture